Monday, March 23, 2020

Week 2- Introduction to Compostition- Ashley Rubano

I was under the impression we were supposed to use photoshop to change the tone, contrast, color, line, and mass so I tried to make these my own! I hope I did it right!! 

These are another church in town! I liked how the red door popped out! 

 I thought these trees showed good

These are of one of the old churches in my town! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley… Yes using Photoshop to edit your work is a big part of this class. However I'm not trying to have you do special effects for their own sake but rather I want you to edit for expression. By that I mean realizing more fully what you saw at the moment of exposure. How can you make the focal point the source of light and interest?

    Starting at the top although the church is a bit in silhouette. The lovely evening sky with its color really makes a photograph. The next one down is a bit more in the category of special-effects rather than straight photography. I do like how you are filling the frame and how you were lined up at the front of the church and how it's all very symmetrical… That's perfect for this assignment. It can be a bit of the gimmick though to isolate the red door and let the rest of the image become black and white.

    The next one is rather interesting in terms of the tonality I'm wondering about the blotchiness of the image if that was due to zooming in with the phone cam? Again I like how all the lines are symmetrical and parallel to the edges of the frame. The light on the door striking. I do like this one a lot.

    The next one (number four) again is about the sky but the building itself is in silhouette…

    Nice repetition and one point perspective here the attention paid to the shadows from the pine trees is good.

    The sky is tricky in this one ( number six ) see how blown out it is? In general unless you're exposing for the sky I recommend that you not include sky in your picture that's true the last one as well.

    Number seven is a good shot for this assignment as well. Nicely done.
